During Spring 2020 we decided to launch an interactive online murder mystery. Releasing a new piece of evidence every day over our social media channels, Detectives across the globe had 3 weeks to put together the pieces and find out just who was the killer in - THE SOCIAL MEDIA MURDER!
Below you will find all the pieces of the puzzle for you to solve your very own Highly Suspect Murder Mystery.
Day 1
Have you ever sat at home twiddling your thumbs, but longing to stretch your little grey cells?
Do you watch Homes Under The Hammer and instantly need to discuss whodunnit with fellow like minded sleuths?
Do you walk down the street muttering under your breath "Guilty, Guilty, Fraudster, Toe Nail Collector, Guilty, Guilty, Innocent.......No wait *look at his shoes* - GUILTY!"
But most of all, do you feel like you simply don't have enough ways to make your voice heard on the internet? To share your incredibly sound, incredibly right, incredibly justified opinions to as many people as possible?
This week we are launching a BRAND NEW Social Media Platform for you to connect with fellow super sleuths and delicious detectives all around the world!
We'll be revealing more about this exciting project as the week goes on, but first, we'd love to introduce you to the magnificent and not at all "Highly Suspect" team who have made this dream come alive!
Day 2
Our exciting new social media platform, connecting super sleuth and delicious detectives across the world to crack cases together, will be launching this weekend!
Everything is ready, except for one thing....
All of our team have come up with some amazing suggestions, and we couldn't possibly choose between them. So instead, we're asking YOU!
Just comment below with your favourite (ignore the team if the team if they try to sway you! This will be a fair competition.) We'll be announcing the winner in 24 hours time, so you haven't got long to choose.
Check back tomorrow for the winner and more exciting details about the project.
Stay Sleuthy!
Day 3
Voting is now closed and we are THRILLED to reveal that our brand new social media platform will be called .....
Buzz Feed, our community engagement speclialist, has recorded a little thank you to all that voted.
We'll be posting another slightly more serious update soon, so please check back in the next few hours to help us solve a niggling mystery....
Sadly, the reveal of CLUE-TUBE as the name for our upcoming exciting Social Media Platform has been somewhat marred by a series of threatening tweets sent to our Marketing Manager and Project Lead Sue Shalmedia.
Some of the offending tweets have been attached below. (Reader Discretion is advised.)
Although CLUE-TUBE is yet to officially launch, if any eager sleuths out there would be willing to take up the case and investigate who was behind these malicious and unwarranted threats it would be greatly appreciated.
Like and share to spread the word, and let's get the culprit caught!

Day 4
With the launch of CLUE-TUBE now only days away, the team are jumping at the opportunity to tell you more about this EXCITING and REVOLUTIONARY project, and even a few details on the first CRIMINAL we'll be using it to CATCH!
Please like and share far and wide to recruit as many super sleuths and delicious detectives as you can!
EDIT: A massive thank you to everyone yesterday for helping with our little Twitter conundrum. Your assistance was valuable and greatly appreciated. We can assure you steps will be taken to ensure such an incident does not occur again.
Day 5
Things did not proceed as we expected. Please note that viewer discretion is advised. We are leaving the video online as we are going to need your help to solve this seemingly impossible crime.
RIP Sue.
We are thrilled to release our Marketing Manager Sue Shalmedia's exclusive online interview with the Clue-Tube community lead, who'll be heading up the platform's first case - catching the illusive Photobomber!
Stay tuned in after the interview as the whole team will livestream their response as we prepare for the final countdown 'till the launch of CLUE-TUBE!
Day 6
Following the tragic murder of Marketing Manager Sue Shalmedia, CLUE-TUBE will now be focussing all of its efforts into catching her killer - And we need YOUR help!
Our contact at the police has been kind enough to provide us with a copy of the Crime Scene report. We’d be grateful to all super sleuths out there to read the attached, and help us piece together precisely what happened to our dear departed colleague.
Further evidence will be forthcoming, and the team will be uploading statements over the next week.
Please like, share with your fellow detectives and comment with any initial thoughts, theories or questions.
With your help we can solve this murder, and bring Sue’s killer to justice!

Day 7
We were intended to post an end of week update on developments of the case but instead we must sadly report that another member of the Clue-Tube team has been attacked!
Ian Stagram our #LiveTheMoment Guru was assaulted and held hostage in his home earlier today by a masked individual. Thankfully, the only injury he received was a blow to the back of the head, delivered while the unknown hostage taker made their seemingly impossible escape.
A witness statement outlining the event in full is attacked below. As always please share with your fellow sleuths and comment with any theories or questions - Ian himself will be monitoring the comments and will answer any questions which may help crack the case.

Day 8
As we further our efforts to catch the killer of Sue Shalmedia, every day this week we will release a statement from one of her colleagues, as well as a new piece of evidence released to us by the police.
Today's statement is from our Community Engagement Officer Buzz Feed.
A new piece of evidence will follow later today.
As always we ask that you like and share this post with your fellow detectives so we can involve as many individuals as possible to bring Sue's killer to justice.
We also encourage you to post any theories, queries or suggestions in the comments. Buzz (and the rest of the team) will be monitoring responses and will do their very best to answer questions you may have.
The police have made available to us a new piece of evidence in the Social Media Murderer case.
Attached are the ripped up pieces of what appear to be Sue's schedule on the day she was murdered, including another unusual code...
We ask that you like and share this post with your fellow detectives so we can involve as many individuals as possible to bring Sue's killer to justice.
We also encourage you to post any theories, queries or potential solutions in the comments.

Day 9
As we further our efforts to catch the killer of Sue Shalmedia, every day this week we will release a statement from one of her colleagues, as well as a new piece of evidence released to us by the police.
Today's statement is from our Business Liaison; Lynne Kdin.
A new piece of evidence will follow later today.
As always we ask that you like and share this post with your fellow detectives so we can involve as many individuals as possible to bring Sue's killer to justice.
We also encourage you to post any theories, queries or suggestions in the comments. Lynne (and the rest of the team) will be monitoring responses and will do their very best to answer questions you may have.
The police have begun reconstruction of Sue's damaged computer hard drive. The majority of the data has been last, but they have been able to recover an old email that had apparently been reopened the day of her death.
Its significance is unknown. If any sleuths out there can shed any light on the matter, we'd be grateful to hear from you.
We ask that you like and share this post with your fellow detectives so we can involve as many individuals as possible to bring Sue's killer to justice.
We also encourage you to post any theories, queries or potential solutions in the comments.

Day 10
As we further our efforts to catch the killer of Sue Shalmedia, every day this week we will release a statement from one of her colleagues, as well as a new piece of evidence released to us by the police.
Today's statement is from our App Specialist; Tim Der.
A new piece of evidence will follow later today.
As always we ask that you like and share this post with your fellow detectives so we can involve as many individuals as possible to bring Sue's killer to justice.
We also encourage you to post any theories, queries or suggestions in the comments. Tim (and the rest of the team) will be monitoring responses and will do their very best to answer questions you may have.
Police have been analysing images released by the so called 'Photobomber'. Under close examination, experts have identified various 'artefacts' foreign to the image.
These have been enhanced and are shown below.
Police suggest these artefacts are usually used as means of identifying a hackers work but at this stage the identity is still unknown.
Can you help decipher what they are or what they could tell us?
We ask that you like and share this post with your fellow detectives so we can involve as many individuals as possible to bring Sue's killer to justice.
We also encourage you to post any theories, queries or potential solutions in the comments.
Day 11
As we further our efforts to catch the killer of Sue Shalmedia, every day this week we will release a statement from one of her colleagues, as well as a new piece of evidence released to us by the police.
Today's statement is from our Networking Connoisseur; Fay Sbook.
A new piece of evidence will follow later today.
As always we ask that you like and share this post with your fellow detectives so we can involve as many individuals as possible to bring Sue's killer to justice.
We also encourage you to post any theories, queries or suggestions in the comments. Fay (and the rest of the team) will be monitoring responses and will do their very best to answer questions you may have.

Police reconstruction of Sue's hard drive has uncovered the following document which was open when the drive was damaged.
Sadly it has proven impossible to fully recover the document. It is still somewhat garbled and the language is unknown.
We ask that you like and share this post with your fellow detectives so we can involve as many individuals as possible to bring Sue's killer to justice.
Day 12
As we further our efforts to catch the killer of Sue Shalmedia, every day this week we will release a statement from one of her colleagues, as well as a new piece of evidence released to us by the police.
Today's statement is from our #LiveTheMoment Guru; Ian Stagram.
A new piece of evidence will follow later today.
As always we ask that you like and share this post with your fellow detectives so we can involve as many individuals as possible to bring Sue's killer to justice.
Police have released another coded message Sue had saved on her hard drive. The saved date suggests this may have been the first she received.
Investigators are baffled as to what it may mean and are seeking assistance in its decryption.

Day 13
As we further our efforts to catch the killer of Sue Shalmedia, every day this week we will release a statement from one of her colleagues, as well as a new piece of evidence released to us by the police.
Today's statement is from our Communications Veteran ; Roy Almail.
A new piece of evidence will follow later today.
As always we ask that you like and share this post with your fellow detectives so we can involve as many individuals as possible to bring Sue's killer to justice.
We also encourage yo

Police have recovered a final document from Sue's damaged hard drive.
It appears to be an advertisement for the Clue-Tube platform.
It is unknown if it holds any relevance beyond this, and invite you to examine it for yourselves.
We ask that you like and share this post with your fellow detectives so we can involve as many individuals as possible to bring Sue's killer to justice.
We also encourage you to post any theories, queries or potential solutions in the comments.
Day 14
We were intending to post an end of week update on developments of the Social Media Murderer case but instead, tragically, we must report another fatality.
BUZZ FEED, our Community Engagement officer, has been MURDERED.
His body was found in his home this morning. The police report is attached.
We ask that you like and share this post with your fellow detectives so we can involve as many individuals as possible to bring Buzz and Sue's killer to justice.

Day 15
Following the tragic murder of our colleague Buzz Feed yesterday, police have found a video Buzz recorded to be played in the event of his death.
Buzz has also written an oddly specific final request; In honour of himelf, Sue Shalmedia, Clue-Tube and the sleuthing community, all detectives out there should compose a short verse in dediciation to the case that cost him his life - The Social Media Murderer.
Naturally these should be composed in Buzz's very favourite style of poetry - the humble limerick!
Sleuths have until Sunday to comment on any post with a specially composed limerick. Who knows - there may even be a prize for the best!
We'll even give you the first line to get you started:
Over to you!
Day 16
The police have given us access to the latest pathology report regarding the murders of Sue Shalmedia and Buzz Feed.
Needless to say it contains SHOCKING NEWS. We invite you to take a look for yourselves...
We ask that you like and share this post with your fellow detectives so we can involve as many individuals as possible to bring Buzz and Sue's killer to justice.

The time has come to start solving this mystery! From the statements we've heard and the evidence we've seen, there should be enough to begin piecing the puzzle together...
Sleuths out there have been working hard, leaving theories, solutions and speculation in the comments, but now it's time to start pulling all of the strands together before you can reach your final conclusion as to whodunnit, how and why?
To facilitate this, over the next few days we're going to pose you aseries of questions and we'd love to hear your theories as to the answers.

At this stage we don't want you to reveal who you think the killer is - if they catch wind that you're on to them they may head for the hills and we'll have no hope of bringing them to justice - so for now keep focussed on answering the question asked. There'll be opportunity to hear you full theories later in the week.
If you've missed any clues you can find everything by scrolling back through our social media, or by heading to
https://www.highlysuspect.co.uk/the-social-media-murderer where everything is complied in one place for convenience.
So, without further ado, today's questions for you to answer are:
1) Many aspects of this case seem to tie back to the Photobomber - It was the first case Clue-Tube was to solve, Sue's interview was with the Case Community Lead, and all of the team had pictures revealed by the bomber - So, WHO IS THE PHOTOBOMBER?
2) Sue had received a series of incredibly cryptic codes and ciphers. But WHO WAS SENDING THE CODES, AND WHY?
You have 24 hours to post your theories to these questions only in the comments below. We'll then confront the suspects and see if you're correct!
We ask that you like and share this post with your fellow detectives so we can involve as many individuals as possible to bring Buzz and Sue's killer to justice.
Day 17
We’ve confronted the suspects and now have the answers to yesterday’s #KillerQuestions!
Did you get them right? Has this altered any of your theories?
We have two more #KillerQuestions for you to theorise over:
1) Who was the masked individual who attacked Ian back on #Day7? Whoever it was managed to take Ian hostage, steal the hard drives containing the valuable Clue-Tube user data and somehow escape from a sealed room - but who was behind it?
2) After police reconstructed Sue’s damaged hard drive they found that one of the last documents opened was an old email chain between Sue and Fay Sbook. (#Day9) But what was its significance?
Remember, at this stage we don't want you to reveal who you think the killer is - if they catch wind that you're on to them they may head for the hills and we'll have no hope of bringing them to justice - so for now keep focussed on answering the questions asked. There'll be opportunity to hear you full theories later in the week.
If you've missed any clues you can find everything by scrolling back through our social media, or by heading to https://www.highlysuspect.co.uk/the-social-media-murderer where everything is complied in one place for convenience.You have 24 hours to post your theories to these questions in the comments below. We'll then confront the suspects and see if you're correct!

Day 18
We’ve confronted the suspects and now have the answers to yesterday’s #KillerQuestions!
Did you get them right? Has this altered any of your theories?
Once again a massive thank you to all of the sleuths who’ve already posted their theories on the answers to yesterday’s #KillerQuestions.
In the meantime we have our final two #KillerQuestions for you to theorise over:
1) A niggling detail: Why was the word 'Morri' written in Buzz's blood at his crime scene? Who wrote it and what is the significance?
2) And finally, the biggie - given we now know Sue was shot *after* she was already dead - Who on earth shot her?! Who is the individual behind the mask from the video, and how did they shoot her through her own screen?!
Remember, at this stage we don't want you to reveal who you think the killer is - if they catch wind that you're on to them they may head for the hills and we'll have no hope of bringing them to justice - so for now keep focussed on answering the questions asked. There'll be opportunity to hear you full theories later in the week.
If you've missed any clues you can find everything by scrolling back through our social media, or by heading to
where everything is complied in one place for convenience.
You have 24 hours to post your theories to these questions in the comments below. We'll then confront the suspects and see if you're correct!

Day 19
We’ve confronted the suspects and now have the answers to yesterday’s final #KillerQuestions!
Did you get them right? Has this altered any of your theories?
Because that's it! No more clues are coming. It's now up to you t figure out whodunnit how and why!
But keep your eyes peeled for an announcement later tonight which may help answer any lingering questions you may still have, before reaching your final conclusion...
A lot of secrets have now been revealed, but the biggest questions of all are still to be answered...
WHO killed Sue Shalmedia and Buzz Feed?
HOW did they do it?
And perhaps most important of all: WHY?
You have until Sunday evening to post your final theories before the killer is unmasked.
BUT! We know lots of you out there may still have burning questions you need answered before reaching your final conclusions.
On SATURDAY at 6pm we'll be hosting a LIVE round of SPEED INTERROGATION with all of our suspects right here on Facebook!
Each suspect will be available to quiz on camera for just 10mins. During this time you can ask them ANYTHING YOU LIKE and they are now obliged to tell you truth - after all, all of their secrets are out anyway... Except for the killer of course, who could be lying about EVERYTHING!
So, join us at 6pm Saturday night for your final chance to catch a killer.
See you there!

Day 20
All of our suspects took part in a Live Speed Interrogation with detectives posting questions in the comment boxes. Here are everyones video files as evidence.
A MASSIVE thank you to all the super sleuths out there who joined us for our LIVE speed interrogation - it was lovely to see some live detective work in action!
Hopefully you've had all of your burning questions answered, because now it's up to you to catch the killer and solve the case!
You have until 6pm tomorrow evening to answer the following in either the comments below, or via direct message (if you don't want others potentially pinching your answer!):
WHO killed Sue Shalmedia and Buzz Feed?
HOW did they do it?
And perhaps most important of all: WHY?
Day 21
After three weeks of super sleuthing shenanigans trying to crack the case of 'The Social Media Murderer', we finally have an answer.
Watch to see the killer revealed...
We'll be wrapping the case up tomorrow, including sharing our favourite limericks - so if you've not submitted one yet you have 24 hrs!
'We've been solving a murder online...'