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Shakespeare shuffles off his mortal coil - as our 2016 Library Tour comes to an end!

Well we have finally come to the end of our 2016 Library tour as part of the Celebrating Shakespeare Event, and what an amazing time we had!

We killed off Oliver Worldsatage 10 times in Oldham, Barrow, Kendal, Bolton, Carlisle, Penrith, Blackburn,Workington, Whitehaven and Trafford, to over 100 teams of super sleuths!

The killer was revealed by at least one crack team in every venue, as we went on treasure hunts to solve Shakesperian Riddles, and we had some fabulous limericks along the way.

Feedback from the Libraries has been very positive - with Carlisle Library saying :

Highly Suspect have been a complete pleasure to work with, and were extremely professional in all respects. They took on board our project aims and produced a highly entertaining, enjoyable, inventive, humorous (and instructive!) Shakespearean Murder Mystery.

Thank you to Mike Ingdomforahorse , Romeo Whereforeartthou , Alice Pooryorick and Toby Ornottobe for the wonderful performances in our 6 libraries. Et Tu Shakespeare was just brilliant. The staff had such a fun night, as, more importantly, did our audiences. We wouldn’t hesitate to work with you again, and you really are the nicest collection of potential killers you could ever wish to meet!

Audience feedback has also been fantastic, with just some of the comments we've received below :

'Wonderfully comedic and inclusive'

'Lots of fun and suitable for all ages - the first we have attended, won't be the last!

'One of the busiest and best events we've had'

'Hilarious. Best night out in a while.'

We won't be saying goodbye to Mike Ingdomforahorse, Toby Ornottobe, Alice Poryorick and Romeo Wherefortathou for good though - ET TU SHAKESPEARE is already on the books for 2017, with a date scheduled for The Word, National Centre for the Written Word in South Shields, in March, and is available to book alongside all our other mysteries.

But for now we say Adieu Shakespeare and Farewell Oliver Worldsastage, as they have both breathed the last (Merchant of Venice).

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