Murder in the Madhouse - a self performed mystery!
We had a great time in Accrington last night celebrating a birthday with one of our 'self-performed' mysteries - Whilst our murderer and...

Gary Jotter and the Magical Murder
We had a great time debuting our newest mystery Gary Jotter and the Magical Murder at Barrow last night to a sold out audience of super...

Happy New Year from Highly Suspect!
We saw out 2016 with a return to 1940s glamour as Beetham Garden Centre ordered a slice of mystery from 'Murder at the Movies' in the run...

Shakespeare shuffles off his mortal coil - as our 2016 Library Tour comes to an end!
Well we have finally come to the end of our 2016 Library tour as part of the Celebrating Shakespeare Event, and what an amazing time we...

Strictly Come Dying waltzes into the Wheatsheaf Inn at Brigsteer!
It was lovely to return to one of our first mystery locations, The Wheatsheaf Inn at Brigsteer this weekend! Two years ago we debuted...

Et Tu, Shakespeare?
We are heading into the world of Shakespeare this autumn, with a specially commissioned murder mystery for the Cumbria County Libraries,...

Murder at....a wedding!
We had an amazing time yesterday, as we were invited to perform our murderous deeds at our first wedding! Thank you Nick and Laura for...

Mid year news flash!
Apologies things have been so quiet on the website front recently - but thats because we've been super busy committing some fiendish...

Murder at the Movies - Windermere Golf Club
We had a fantastic night with the good folk of Windermere Golf Club last night - a lot of laughs were had as they solved the mystery of...

Check out this great leaflet for HAPPILY NEVER AFTER, on at Tullie House Carlisle on December 5th! For further information and details on...