Making Headlines
are so excited to have been asked to be the cover story for Carlisle Living Magazine this month, as we talked about how we have made our...

We Know Now Snowmen Exist - Big News!
One of the most exciting things to come out of 2020 was us signing a contract to have our first play produced as a company published! We...

Zooming Into a New Year
We are delighted that we have managed to find a way to keep connected to our detectives across the country in these strange times, with...

Signal Fires
Last month we were delighted to take part in the award winning Headlong Theatre's Signal Fires Project, presenting two evenings of short...

2020 so far.....
Well 2020 certainly hasn't been the year we originally imagined it to be. With our diary full of bookings and an eagerly anticipated to...

The Social Media Murderer
We’re not going to be out and about murdering for a little while, so in solidarity with anyone out there who’s self isolating we thought...

🚨BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!🚨 We are SUPER EXCITED to announce we are returning to the EDINBURGH FRINGE FESTIVAL for our third year! But this...

The Festive Season is Upon Us
Lovely bit of coverage in the Cumberland and Westmorland Herald today about our upcoming HAPPILY NEVER AFTER at Brough Village Hall on...

Final Fringe Update! We've collected together all of your team sheets, and are thrilled with just how many sleuths bandied together to...

Edinburgh Fringe 2019 Round Up!
We are back from a fabulous Edinburgh Fringe 2019! Over three fun packed weeks we welcomed 229 teams into our venue as they tried to...